
Friday, January 9, 2015

Chia Pudding

This morning, amidst calls to customer service, having my 5 year take a urine test, playing games with said 5 year old to distract her from the idea of peeing in a cup, and finally finishing the putting away of Christmas decorations, I had no mental energy left for fixing the most important meal of the day!

I'm not a huge fan of cooking breakfast.  My good friend and neighbor cooks most breakfast for her children, and I admire her for her commitment and love for her family.  

But I am no such person ;).

I am a fan of the quick healthy, nutritious breakfast.  The kind where my kids get excited, and I get to feel good about filling them up.

This was our breakfast this morning:

Don't worry, my plating always gets re-done kid-style!  They stir it all together and call it "strawberry ice cream breakfast" :)

So a great breakfast, even for the kiddos, does not need take a lot of elbow grease.  There.  You have permission to give your kids "pudding" for breakfast, or as my kids say "Strawberry Ice Cream!".

Chia Pudding Recipe


  • 1 can organic full fat coconut milk
  • 1/4 cup organic chia seeds, white or black
  • 1 whole vanilla bean's seeds
  • maple syrup, grade B to taste, I omit this, but just 1-2Tbsp would be plenty!


  • Mix them all together in a jar or big bowl and refrigerate for at least 1 hour or the night before you want to eat!  That's it.  Sometimes, I stir it up after 30 minutes if the chia seeds seem to have settled on the bottom.

Topping Ideas:

  • strawberries, it's winter so I buy bags of frozen and just throw them in a pan for 3-5 minutes on the stovetop at medium- organic fresh ones are even better
  • blueberries
  • raspberries with orange zest
  • banana slices
  • nuts
  • raisins with a dash of cinnamon
  •  coconut flakes

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