
Monday, May 2, 2011

German Chocolate Cake Bars

Anyone every had a Larabar©? I have and they are amazing. However, my pocketbook cannot always afford this treat :) A year ago, I began experimenting with knockoffs of this popular snack bar. And last night I realized, I don't have a chocolate recipe on here yet! Three months without a chocolate recipe must be a crime somewhere, right? So I threw this together last night, and didn't think it would turn out too well, but lucky for me (and you :) it did!

Here is my Larabar-esque version of a German Chocolate Cake Bar. Hope you like it!

German Chocolate Cake Bars

Yields: 1 8”x 8” square pans worth of bars- how small you cut them is up to you :)


  • 1 cup cashews (6 oz)
  • ½ cup pecans (2 oz)
  • 2 cups unsweetened, unsulfured shredded coconut (3 oz)
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil (1 oz)
  • 2 Tbsp cocoa or carob powder (I used Dagoba Cacao Powder) ( ½ oz)
  • 2 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp coffee flavor (I use Frontier, also found at Whole Foods)
  • scant ½ tsp sea salt
  • 8- 12 pitted dates (depends on your desire for sweetness- I used 8 because I like mine a little less sweet- you can also use between 1 ½ - 2 ¼ oz of dates or date paste and get the same consistency)


  • Blend all ingredients in the food processor or Vitamix (no higher than power 3 using the tamper), scraping the bowl as needed.
  • When a dough-like ball forms, press into an 8” square glass pan and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  • Cut and serve!
This post has been linked up to:
  • Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays (also check out Amy's link to sign the petition for the FDA to properly label gluten-free food. So important for those who suffer from Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivities- which does not affect me or my husband (we have been thoroughly tested) but many more people than you think! If you think you have gluten sensitivities check out your options for assessing whether or not you do: get tested at a lab like this one here, try an elimination diet, and make sure to get under the care of a doctor or naturopathic physician who knows how to treat such sensitivities)*
  • Sugar Free Sunday - check out this refined-sugar free virtual pot luck!
* Disclaimer- My advice is based on experience. And it is simply amateur advice. Be sure to check with a health care or wellness professional before making dietary changes or assessing for food allergies.


  1. Hi Eryn! Thanks for sharing this at this week's Sugar Free Sunday. I'm a big fan of Larabars but I bet this will taste even better than them. We don't do chocolate in my home because of allergies (boo!).. but I'm going to try the recipe without chocolate and see how it turns out.

  2. Raj,
    Do you do Carob powder? This recipe works well with carob too- a great substitute for chocolate :)

  3. Yum!! Love this recipe! I love's my stand-in for chocolate. Thanks for linking up to SIT and sharing about 1 in 133. I'm going to feature your recipe tomorrow.


  4. These look so good! I am defintely making them! Yes, Larabars are yummy! The pocketbook is why I can't eat them too much either! lol
    I am defintely using carob in mine. Thanks for sharing!

