
Monday, April 18, 2011

Strawberry Shortcake with Vegan Frozen Yogurt

I know, another recipe with Strawberries!

Let me explain :)
First, If you haven't already- go check out the Spunky Holiday Easter Recipes (gluten free)! Now, you may notice this recipe for Sweet Coconut Biscuits at The Daily Diatribe. I saw these on the Spunky Holiday roundup and had to make them.
Second, I just went and picked me up some of these:Yep, that's right. Four pints of locally grown strawberries picked from the ground TODAY for only $12! So I had to come up with a yummy dessert for tonight that called for strawberries. I already wanted to make the sweet biscuits mentioned above, so you see where I'm going with this...shortcake!

And finally, I have really been loving Chocolate Covered Katie's healthy cake batter milkshake and this lassi from Nourishing Flourishing. I have been making myself all sorts of almost dairy tasting treats when the idea hit me to combine some of this new-found knowledge and create a non-dairy frozen yogurt! My husband and I used to love going to Yophoria and getting their tart frozen yogurt. So I was aiming for a less sweet, tangy fro-yo that mimics that one, and I think I came close.

Warning: This frozen yogurt is not super-sweet like the kind you get from a yogurt shop. If needed, mix in some raw honey or stevia to taste before freezing in your ice cream maker. We like making our desserts less sweet around here so we can go back for seconds...or thirds....and sometimes fourths :)

Vegan Strawberry Shortcake

Serves 4 helpings


For the shortcake: Use this recipe for sweet coconut biscuits from The Daily Dietribe. Bake them in the large muffin tins as directed. Since you only need 4, you can cut the recipe in half or make all 8 and have yummy leftovers!

For the strawberries: Wash and slice 1/2 pint of very ripe strawberries, stir with some lemon juice (1/2 tsp), and let sit for a while to create a yummy syrup

For the vegan (mostly raw), frozen "yogurt":

- 2 Tbsp coconut oil (1 oz), melted

- 2 Tbsp macadamia nuts or cashews or 1 Tbsp of macadamia or cashew nutbutter (1 ¼ oz total)

- 1 cup non-dairy milk (8 oz.- any kind will do- I used Pumpkin Seed milk)

- 1 tsp vanilla

- 2 Tbsp of lemon juice (1 oz)

- 2 ½ bananas (8 oz. peeled)

- Sweetener to taste (optional)


- Mix the first four ingredients together in a food processor or high powered blender.

- Then add the lemon juice and bananas and puree

- Freeze in your ice cream maker (my Cuisinart Ice Cream Maker took about 15 minutes)

- Assembly: Cut the biscuits in half, layer strawberry juice on top, with some strawberries, then scoop fro-yo on top and top with remaining half of biscuit. Top with some whipped cream for an even yummier treat

This post has been linked up to this weeks Slightly Indulgent Tuesdays @ Simply Sugar and Gluten Free!

Happy shortcake eating!



  1. Thanks for linking up to my recipe! The link to the shortcake recipe actually goes to the Yophoria page... I'll add this link to my post though so people can see your idea for making strawberry shortcakes out of the biscuits!

  2. Oh Yum! After reading this, I am definitely going to try making strawberry shortcake for the Easter dinner we're going too. This looks so tasty!

  3. Hi Eryn, I have to let you know I'm smiling about this, but the link still goes to Yoforia. Hope it's not obnoxious of me to point it out again!
